Immune Health in the time of COVID-19 by Colleen Cummins

Many of us are sheltering in place, quarantining, or self-isolating. Undoubtedly, we have all been affected by this pandemic. As we change seasons into winter and infection rates are soaring, I would like to offer suggestions for supporting your immune health.

  1. Immune health is linked to both mental and emotional health as well as to the health of the gut biome.

  2. Consider ways to strengthen and care for your mind, heart, and body.

  3. Rewire your brain for emotional resilience and mental strength and do this daily.

    • Calm the nervous system by sitting, walking, or lying down meditation

    • Get good rest and sleep. Sleep hygiene is ritualistic and may need practice.

    • Find time for laughter and play

    • This is a great time to learn something new. What have you always been curious about? Learn a new skill, hobby, language, or study something from history, science, astonomy.

    • Express yourself creatively by journaling, singing, playing an instrument, dancing, juggling.

  4. Feed your head brain and your gut brain well.

    1. Choose foods that balance acid/alkaline in your gut. (This could be one of those “new” things to learn. See above).

    2. Choose mindfully the information and entertainment you ingest.

  5. Oxygenate your body and mind.

    1. Take regular daily walks in the fresh air. Notice the world around you. Take deep cleansing and strengthening breaths. Swing your arms, challenge your balance, mostly make it playful.

    2. Make eye contact and greet those you see. It will lower your BP, increase your endorphins and serotonin levels—the feel good hormones—and build better community.


COVID Boosters: Clarification and Recommendations from Dr. B


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