Endurance PowerWalking

Discovery Writing

for Travelers

There are many ways to ambulate on two feet: hiking, ambling, meandering, running, jogging. We will explore how these are all tools for travel. In these walking clinics we will also discover Endurance Powerwalking (EP), a form-based, intermediate paced/distance between strolling and the fastest-racewalking. The formal pace is between 10 -15 mins/mile and distance is 3+miles.

During these sessions we'll be learning form techniques in order to increase our speed and distance. We will increase our distance aiming for 5 to 6 miles, and increase our speed by one to two minutes per mile. In order to accomplish these goals, you will need to have other powerwalking sessions within your week. I would recommend at least two if not three.

I will be available to help you plan a personal walking program both to establish your base and keep you going strong through the clinic and into your world travels.

EP and Discovery Writing: our approach will be slightly different. While we will still walk and learn about form and pacing and increasing miles, and we will add 30 minutes of discovery writing post session. During walking the brain releases chemicals, I like to call them openhearted truth serums, that allow us into places of mind and heart not otherwise accessible. Discovery Writing directly after an EP session is a good way to catch those serums so you can use them later.

Don't worry, even if you don’t consider yourself "a writer" or if thinking of taking pen to paper causes you consternation, relax. I will provide tools to jumpstart you and guide you in the process. You're totally supported. Just bring walking shoes, a small notebook and a pen.


I advise that prior to beginning our sessions, you have, or develop, a walking base for a month prior to beginning EP, so that you will already be comfortable walking at least 3 miles at a pace somewhere between 15 and 18 minutes per mile.

I ask that you not bring your pets. Your shoes should flex easily at the toe box so as not to put unnecessary strain on the foot and shin during push off, and be of more minimalist construction.

Please bring your earbuds, if you have them. We’ll put them to special use.


Without a base and additional weekly walking sessions it is possible that you may experience discomfort, pain, or injury in the shins, knees, hips, or hamstrings. One way to mitigate this likelihood is base training in concert with learning to regulate your pace for form and efficiency.

If you are not used to walking at speed/pace, shin splints are a frequent obstacle. So when you are building your base, do not try to walk too fast and back off at the slightest feeling of fatigue in your shins. Give them time to adjust. Focus on carrying your body lightly with all your Pilates techniques, letting your arms swing free, and lean into your walk from your ankles.

Why PowerWalking (EP):

This practice is ageless. I began racewalking in my early 30’s after overtraining injuries sidelined me as a sponsored cycling and triathalon athlete. So no, powerwalking is not merely for the seniors. This practice is also ageless in that you will be able to fall back on these tools for moments that come up in your life like illness and injury. It is a practice you can do almost anywhere in the world, For Free!

During our sessions we will be outdoors on relatively flat surfaces, some paved and some chat trail. We will use fartlek style interval training that will tune us into form, energy efficiency, and give us the skills to notice when we can push and when we should ease off. In EP, much like swimming, form enhances enjoyment and efficiency.

I recommend that your weekly walks also be outside when and if at all possible. It will mitigate your chances of injury which can occur using treadmills, and it will also give you the benefits that being outdoors uniquely provides, different from working out between four walls. This is a walking program for your mind, your body, and your spirit.

I hope to give you the foundational principles of Endurance Powerwalking without incurring injury so you can continually reap the benefits of walking, particularly outdoor travel walking.

When: by appointment

EP uses the entire body to generate power and speed, so get ready to feel muscles like you’ve never felt before! And I hope you will come prepared to have fun, learn, and get in Endurance Powerwalking shape and Discover Writing as a tool for travel and life.

For inspiration check out my blog post: www.coreworkspilates.com/blog/2024/3/29/someday-walking

Here are some other resources and bit of curiousness about EP:







Someday Walking… (a side step of poetry)


If you are tempted to go out into the world, I say GO. Enjoy the springtime!