It's about Life.
Play and recreation are vital to life, to a productive, complete, responsive, and healthy life. There is much research to support that statement. However, play and recreation are deadened when our bodies hurt, and perhaps our bodies hurt when we don't take the time to REcreate. Without this elemental space, dreams fade and visions are strangled. Change your mind; sometimes it's not about finding more time--it's about changing the way we think about the time we have.
I wrote that statement in 2014 and am reposting it now, because it seems truer than ever. In the time of COVID-19, it’s been phenomenal the changes our society has gone, and is going, through. WE are not on autopilot. Death and community are bedfellows that bring life into clear resonance. Resonance is the depth, fullness, and sustained reverberation from other bodies by their synchronous vibration. Resonate connection to ourselves, others, life, nature, art, and time is the purpose of Life.
Enjoy yours,